Skin Types

Skin Types and Care: Normal, Dry, Oily, Combination, Sensitive

You must have already heard something about different skin types from dermatologists, friends, acquaintances, and parents. You may even be given examples of care and problems that may arise depending on a particular characteristic and structure of the outer covering of the face or body. Perhaps you even used the services of a beautician, started eating more balanced meals, or went to a medical spa, but the skin did not get better. However, if you were superficially interested in this topic or even had no idea how many skin types are there. You may not know the details that distinguish dry and sensitive or oily and combined.

Let’s take a closer look at this issue together and select the proper care so that your skin shines with health.

How to know your skin type?

To begin with, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

 • water content in the body and under the skin of the face;

 • your skin is soft or elastic;

 • how your skin reacts to new cosmetics, especially with a powerful effect, whether there are irritations and rashes;

 • frequency of inflammation and redness;

 • pore size.

Once you have answered the questions asked yourself, you can continue to explore skin types with examples and advice on how to care for it properly.

Combined type

A special division of the face characterizes this type into zones, differing in dryness and oily content. If this is your case, you must have already noticed that the chin, nose, and forehead become oily during the day, but the cheeks and temples may even peel off from lack of moisture. At the same time, there is a risk of blackheads, wide pores, and oily sheen. Thus, you will need to use different care products on other parts of your face. We advise you to thoroughly moisturize the area under the eyes, cheeks, and corners of the eyes, and the so-called T-zone to clean and wash with toner (preferably alcohol-based).


This option will have tiny pores, a pale, grayish complexion, more pronounced wrinkles, and red spots.

On the one hand, this type will prevent your face from producing excessive amounts of fat and covering the surface with it. Still, on the other hand, you will have to live with constantly cracking, as if taut, insufficiently moisturized, and often flaky skin, not only on the face but also on arms, legs, and even back. Not all types of skincare will be right for you, but we can give you some valuable tips:

 • Do not spend too much time in hot showers or baths.

 • Do not use strong soaps, especially those with odor-masking effects.

 • Do not press hard, rub or wrinkle the skin.

• Immediately after showering or washing your face, you should moisturize your skin with unique products.

 • If you notice discomfort, as if your skin is tightening, moisturize it again.

 • Try not to stay in too warm and dry air for a long time.

 • Do not spend a lot of time in the sun, cold, and wind.

Oily type

If you recognize yourself when we talk about a large number of blackheads, oily, unpleasant shine, large pores on the face. How to improve the situation:

 • Wash your face no more than two times a day.

 • Lightweight, non-comedogenic cleansers are your choice.

 • Leave acne alone. If possible, try not even to touch them.

Sensitive type

 Sensitive skin is characterized by the most painful reactions to various stimuli. For example, if you choose the wrong skincare product, you may experience severe itching, burning sensation, red spots, and flaking of patches of skin. 

Normal type

Such skin is distinguished by its health and balance. Of course, there is no perfect skin, but if you are of this type, you are fortunate.